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Poor Data Management Will Get You In Trouble

April 20, 2021

Data is the modern capital. Therefore, you should treat it accordingly. But – do you? I am sure no company treats its data as well as they treat their money. Yet. Everybody knows that poor money management is a fast track to being broke. How about poor data management? Just the same. The explosion of ...

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Digitalisation Is The Key To Survival

January 13, 2021

The digital transformation used to be a long-term development goal for companies. However 2020 and the COVID-19 changed everything and no industry was immune to the effects that the pandemic had. Consumer goods industry had to immediately pivot to digital commerce. There was a big shift to a remote workspace, global supply chains were disrupted, ...

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Business planning undergoing radical transformation

Business planning is also undergoing a radical transformation

January 4, 2021

The processes of planning and budgeting or financial business planning have transformed from a simple mathematical task to real art. Today, financial planning is of strategic importance for companies of all shapes and sizes. The consequences of good or bad decisions are appropriate. So, how do professionals plan? To determine the new annual budgets, it ...

Read more – Artificial Intelligence-Supported Software Robots

January 4, 2021

The software robots provide a truly dramatic acceleration of business digitization. Working with various applications, documents and content poses no challenge for these so-called digital workers. The importance of robotic process automation (RPA) for companies is evident in a recent study by Gartner. The survey was asking CFOs about the use of modern technologies. As expected, ...

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Speed up Tableau with Exasol

November 9, 2020

Speed up Tableau with Exasol and say goodbye to slow performances forever. Tableau is a well-known data visualisation tool that has been around since 2003. It has a large customer base and products that generate graph-type data visualizations. The company was acquired by Salesforce for $15.7 billion in August 2019. Salesforce thus fulfilled its strategic ...

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November 9, 2020 is an enterprise-grade RPA platform. Its emphasis lies on simplicity and human-robot collaboration. The digital workers or “robots” imitate the work of their human counterparts. They do so completely unattended and with machine learning and neural networks they also have cognitive capability. Using AI simplifies the build process or a robot and at the same ...

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