Case Study: Merkur
February 12, 2024
MERKUR Trade, Ltd. stands as the market leader in Slovenia for home products, DIY materials, electro-installation products, and various industrial items. The company’s width and depth of assortment and different sales channels brought forth challenges in their commercial and financial planning procedures. These challenges necessitated a more cohesive approach to financial planning for better integration, ...
Read moreIALO 5.0
December 4, 2023
LTH Castings d.o.o. je skupaj s podjetjema Niko d.o.o. in CRMT d.o.o. pridobil sofinanciranje RRI projekta na Javnem razpisu Spodbude za raziskovalne projekte NOO, ki ga je razpisala Javna agencija SPIRIT in MGRT. Naslov projekta: INTEGRALNO ALU LIGHT OHIŠJE ZA E-MOBILNOST 5.0 Akronim projekta: IALO 5.0 Projekt financira Evropska Unija – NextGenerationEU. Naložba je del ...
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Case Study: SIJ – Slovenian Steel Group
November 16, 2021
The SIJ Group had already used Oracle Business Intelligence as a Business Intelligence solution. As the tool did not meet all the requirements with regard to data management and maintenance and mobility, the company was looking for a flexible platform with comprehensive mobile functionalities.
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Case Study: Loterija Slovenije
December 9, 2019
Existing analytical systems and applications that were used by the Lottery of Slovenia were outdated and needed renewal. The change of the transactional system also contributed to a partial renovation of IT infrastructure and modernization of architecture, therefore Lottery of Slovenia decided to thoroughly revise the analytical environment, as employees wanted to work with new technologies and applications.
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Case Study: Mladinska knjiga
August 8, 2019
The company set out to deploy a data warehouse and introduce business analytics into its business in 2010. Over recent years, the amount of data the company has been processing has increased dramatically so MKZ’s previous analytical solution just could not cope with the growth in demand.
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Case Study: Telekom Slovenije
December 11, 2018
Telekom Slovenije had been using analytical solutions for more than a decade but new data sources and demands from business users proved challenging for the existing analytics environment – the quantity and speed of data were simply too large and too fast to be handled with existing tools and solutions.
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