
Webinars, events and user groups you don't want to miss

CRMT events 2019

PopolDan odprtih vrat kot znanilec novosti | 4 February Ljubljana Gostom smo v sproščenem vzdušju in ob tematskih koktejlih predstavili naš razvoj in poslovanje. To danes temelji na treh stebrih: upravljanje s podatki, upravljanje poslovanja podjetij in skladnost z regulativo. Trije stebri, s katerimi našim strankam nudimo celostno rešitev za reševanje njihovih izzivov pri poslovanju. ...


CRMT events in 2018

BI or new BI | 20 March Ljubljana The event had carefully selected content like: Consolidation of BI environments in companies New features in MicroStrategy 10.10 IBCS – Business Communication Standards Simple and visual data exploration with MicroStrategy Library It was meant for business users, developers, analytical system administrators and IT professionals, which will be ...


CRMT events in 2017

MicroStrategy World | 18 – 20 April Washington The event was a great opportunity to get knowledge and experience in practical workshops, which helped attendees make a better analysis of their business and better support for business users. During the event, the attendees got the opportunity to: Participate in workshops regarding different areas of use ...


CRMT events in 2016

EXASOL Xperience | 7-8 June Berlin EXASOL Xperience 2016 was a two-day event packed with content and fun, and as a result, users understand how to make the most out of EXASOL. To make sure you got the most out of EXASOL, vision, roadmap, as well a series of workshops with tips and tricks, helped ...


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